Sunday, February 11, 2024

Building Regional Fault Tolerance with AWS EventBridge Global Endpoint

Building Regional Fault Tolerance with AWS EventBridge Global Endpoint


In today's interconnected world of cloud computing, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance for applications is paramount. AWS provides robust solutions to address these challenges, one of which is the EventBridge global endpoint. In this guide, we'll explore how intermediate AWS users can leverage this feature to build regional fault tolerance for their applications.

Building Regional Fault Tolerance with AWS EventBridge Global Endpoint

Understanding Regional Fault Tolerance

Regional fault tolerance refers to the ability of an application to remain operational and accessible even in the event of failures or disruptions in a specific AWS region. By distributing resources across multiple regions and ensuring seamless failover, applications can maintain uninterrupted service for users.

Use Case: Application Reliability with EventBridge Global Endpoint

Imagine a scenario where you're running a mission-critical application that processes financial transactions. Any downtime or disruption in service could lead to significant financial losses and damage to your reputation. Leveraging the EventBridge global endpoint, you can architect your application to be resilient to region-specific failures.

Key Benefits of EventBridge Global Endpoint

  1. High Availability: By routing events through the global endpoint, you can ensure that critical events are processed even if a primary region becomes unavailable.
  2. Disaster Recovery: In the event of a regional outage, EventBridge automatically reroutes events to a secondary region, ensuring continuous operation and data integrity.

Practical Walkthrough: Setting Up EventBridge Global Endpoint

Step 1: Create two event buses in different Regions with the same name.

Step 2: Click on Craete Endpoint by navigating to Global endpoints.

Step 3: Enter custom name and description for the Endpoint.

Step 4: Select the Bus name for Primary region and another bus name in secondary region (Busname should be same in both region to avoid confusion).

Step 5: Select the Route 53 health check for triggering failover and recovery. You can create the one by clicking on "New Health Check".

Step 6: Enable the event replication and Click on "Create" button.

Make a note of endpoint id as it must be specified in PutEvents API call. (You can always get endpoint id by visiting EventBridge Endpoint console)

Testing Global Endpoints through PutEvents API

All AWS SDK supports optional "EndpointId" parameter. Mention the Endpoint id in "EndpointId" parameter, Bus name (to validate endpoint configuration) and issue PutEvents API call.

When PutEvents API call is contains "EndpointId", the events is published to Gloal endpoint and then it is re-routed to Event bus in primary region if health check is Good else re-routed to Event bus in Secondary region.


By leveraging the EventBridge global endpoint, Reliability and Fault tolerance of the application can be enhanced. With built-in support for high availability and disaster recovery, EventBridge is one of the powerful tool for architecting resilient and scalable cloud applications.

In an era where downtime is not an option, investing in regional fault tolerance with EventBridge is a strategic decision that ensures your applications remain resilient in the face of adversity.

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